
Showing posts from December, 2022

बीजिंग के श्मशान घाट में शवों की कतार लगी हुई है, जबकि चीन में कोविड से कोई नई मौत नहीं होने की खबर है

 चीन कोविड मौतों की एक संकीर्ण परिभाषा का उपयोग करता है, मंगलवार के लिए कोई नई मौत की सूचना नहीं दे रहा है और यहां तक ​​कि महामारी शुरू होने के बाद से अपने समग्र मिलान से एक को पार कर रहा है। बुधवार को बीजिंग के एक श्मशान घाट के बाहर दर्जनों लोगों की कतारें लग गईं, यहां तक ​​​​कि चीन ने अपने बढ़ते प्रकोप में कोई नई कोविड -19 की मौत की सूचना नहीं दी, जिससे उसके वायरस के लेखांकन की आलोचना हुई, क्योंकि राजधानी में गंभीर मामलों में वृद्धि हुई थी। व्यापक विरोध के बाद, इस महीने 1.4 बिलियन लोगों के देश ने लॉकडाउन और परीक्षण के अपने "शून्य-कोविड" शासन को समाप्त करना शुरू कर दिया, जिसने बड़े पैमाने पर तीन साल तक वायरस को दूर रखा था - बड़ी आर्थिक और मनोवैज्ञानिक लागत पर। नीति के अचानक परिवर्तन ने देश की नाजुक स्वास्थ्य प्रणाली को तैयार नहीं किया है, अस्पतालों में बेड और रक्त के लिए हाथ-पांव मार रहे हैं, दवाओं के लिए फार्मेसियों, और विशेष क्लीनिक बनाने के लिए अधिकारियों में होड़ मची हुई है।  विशेषज्ञ अब अनुमान लगाते हैं कि चीन अगले साल एक लाख से अधिक कोविड मौतों का सामना कर सकता है।

Face It: Faces in Instagram Photos Are More Popular

  Study finds that faces in photos improve the likelihood that others will notice.

Dall-E Opens Its AI Art Creation Tool to Everyone

  The artificial intelligence technology can turn text prompts into intriguing illustrations. Dall-E created this image based on a prompt to show a colorful painting of parachuting elephants. Dall-E , a service that uses AI to turn  text prompts into visual art , is now open to all comers. On Wednesday the company behind it, OpenAI, accepted everybody on the Dall-E waiting list. Already the service was in widespread use, with 1.5 million people making more than 2 million images a day,  OpenAI said in a blog post . Now others who requested access should have it granted, and anyone can  sign up . Artificial intelligence technology today generally refers to systems trained to recognize patterns in immense quantities of real-world data. The approach is revolutionizing computing, producing useful results in recognizing images, screening spam, preventing fraud and controlling self-driving cars. Dall-E, though, brings some creative flair to the idea. Text prompts like " a painting of hip

What it means to be human in the age of AI

  From an AI-generated Taylor Swift to a nude sculpture with a buzzing bee colony for a head, artists reflect on the promise and terror of artificial intelligence. A detail of Trevor Paglen's installation "They Took the Faces From the Accused and the Dead," which culls 3,240 photos of people whose faces were used to train facial algorithm software without their consent.  Over 3,000 black-and-white mugshots stare out from a wall-size canvas. They are the faces of people who've been accused of crimes, and sometimes, incarcerated. They are also the faces of people whose likenesses were used, without their consent, to train  facial recognition software  before social media became a primary source of visual data for algorithm training.  This is artist Trevor Paglen's haunting installation "They Took the Faces from the Accused and the Dead," on display at San Francisco's de Young Museum starting Saturday. It's part of a provocative new exhibit that exp

Instagram Reach Analysis using Python

 One of the most widely used social media platforms right now is Instagram. Instagram is used professionally by those who want to promote their brands, develop their portfolios, blog, and produce other types of content. Instagram is a well-known programme used by millions of users in a variety of niches, and it is always evolving to better serve both users and content providers. However, when this fluctuates, it impacts the audience for our postings, which has a long-term impact on us. Therefore, a content producer must examine the analytics of their Instagram reach if they hope to succeed on the platform over the long term. The use of data science to social media addresses this issue. This post is for you if you want to understand how to use our Instagram data for the purpose of analyzing Instagram reach. I'll walk you through an Instagram Reach Analysis using Python in this post, which will assist content producers learn how to adjust to Instagram's adjustments over time. Ins

US detention for the Libyan suspect in the 1988 bombing of a passenger airliner in Lockerbie, UK.

 On December 21, 1988, Pan Am flight 103, which was flying from London to New York, detonated over Lockerbie, killing all 259 on board as well as 11 individuals who were on the ground. London: According to U.S. and Scottish authorities, the Libyan man who is believed to have created the bomb that brought down a passenger airliner over Lockerbie, Scotland, in 1988 is currently being held in American custody. "The relatives of those killed in the Lockerbie bombing have been informed that the suspect Abu Agela Mas'ud Kheir Al-Marimi is in U.S. custody," according to a statement from Scotland's Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service. He "is expected to make his initial appearance in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia," according to the U.S. Justice Department, which also confirmed the information. It made no mention of how Mas'ud ended up in American custody. On December 21, 1988, Pan Am flight 103, which was heading from London to New

10 Books BILLIONAIRES Recommends

  M any readers in the success base make the mistake of taking book recommendations from strangers on the internet without being skeptical. If your objective is to become a millionaire and you are only permitted to read one book in your whole life, would you take a recommendation from the random guy in the Facebook group you’re in or a multi-millionaire like Tai Lopez or Grant Cardone? 10_ The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand To buy, kindly visit the link - This is a recommendation from  Mark Cuban . This book is written by the same woman who wrote  Atlas Shrugged , the book with over 1000 pages. Mark Cuban speaks highly of it, so maybe it’s worth a shot. This book is about a young architect's violent battle against conventional standards and an explosive love affair with a beautiful woman who struggles to defeat him. 9_ The Intelligent Investor To buy, kindly visit the link- This book is a recommendation from  Warren Buffett . He read ever